Three things I do

In this short post, I’ll talk about the three different things I do in pursuit of career and wealth.

That’s the look on my face right up there. He probably doesn’t know how to smile but this free Digital Marketing course by Scott Max will probably teach him how to start with little smiles and open him up. [Laughs]

My Big Three

  1. Found a company. I’m a founder of a company with a friend of mine. We’re looking to enter into clearing and freight forwarding when all is set.
  2. Digital marketing. This is the reason I’m taking this course. I want to be a strong sales person, to run online stores and make money from products.
  3. Many other gigs. I don’t want to just be boxed into doing one thing. I’ll look at anywhere opportunity shows its head and strike it right on to make some gains.

I am enjoying it already because…

out of crisis comes strong men

That’s it for now. Chaw chaw

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